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UCT Research Report '11
African Constitutional Law: Bill of Rights. 2
edition. pp.
19-1-19-30. Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths. ISBN 978-
Johnston, L. and Shearing, C.D. 2011. From a ‚dialogue
of the dead‘ to a ‚dialogue of listening‘: towards a new
methodology of policing research and practice. In L.
Johnson and C. Shearing (eds), Innovative Possibilities -
Global Policing Research and Practice, pp. 5-12. London:
Taylor & Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-0-415-61835-9.
Mahery, P.S. andNhenga, T. 2011. Legislativedevelopments
in 2010/2011. In Lucy Jamieson, Rachel Bray, Andre
Viviers, et al(eds), South African Child Gauge 2010/2011:
10-15. South Africa: Children‘s Institute, University of Cape
Town. 978-0-9814320-7-6.
Manjoo, R. 2011. Legal recognition of Muslim marriages
in South Africa. In M. Badran (ed.), Gender and Islam in
AFrica: Rights, Sexuality, and Law, pp. 291-304. California:
Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-7481-9.
Manjoo, R., Kweke, K. and Ofuani, S.O. 2011. Sexual
violence and the law: comparative legislative experiences
in selected Southern African countries. In L. Oette (ed.),
Criminal Law Reform and Transitional Justice: Human
Rights Perspectives for Sudan, pp. 269-295. Surrey,
England: Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 978-1-409-431-00-8.
May, A. 2011. Taming the ‚Leviathan‘ in Johannesburg‘s
townships: does a Hobbesian moral compass apply to
policing in the twenty-first century? In L. Johnson and C.
Shearing (eds), Innovative Possibilities – Global Policing
Research and Practice, pp. 111-117. London: Taylor &
Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-0-415-61835-9.
Nakhjavani, S. 2011. Section 61: Extra-territorial jurisdiction.
In D. Smythe, B. Pithey and L. Artz (eds), Sexual Offences
Commentary: Act 32 of 2007, pp. 24-1-24-7. Claremont,
Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-07021-8602-8.
Olugbuo, B. 2011. Positive complementarity and the fight
against impunity in Africa. In Chacha Murungu & Japhet
Biegon(eds), Prosecuting International Crimes in Africa:
249-275. 2011. Cape Town: Pretoria University Law Press
(PULP). 978-0-9869857-8-2.
Paterson, A.R. 2011. Case study: legal framework for
protected areas: South Africa. In F. Pastakia (ed.),
Guidelines for Protected Areas Legislation, pp. 5-42.
Germany: IUCN. ISBN 978-2-8317-1245-1.
Paterson, A.R. 2011. Contractual tools for implementing
the CBD in South Africa. In J. Benidickson, B. Boer, A.H.
Benjamin, K. Morrow and E. Elgar (eds), Environmental
Law and Sustainability after Rio, pp. 341-376. United
Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978-0-857-
Phelps, K. and Smythe, D.L. 2011. Section 3: Rape. In
D. Smythe, B. Pithey and L. Artz (eds), Sexual Offences
Commentary: Act 32 of 2007, pp. 2-1-2-26. Claremont,
Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-07021-8602-8.
Phelps, K. 2011. Section 55: Attempt, conspiracy, incitement
or inducing another person to commit sexual offence. In
D. Smythe, B. Pithey and L. Artz (eds), Sexual Offences
Commentary: Act 32 of 2007, pp. 19-1-19-4. Claremont,
Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-07021-8602-8.
Phelps, K. 2011. Sections 4-7: Compelled rape, sexual
assault, compelled sexual assault, and compelled self-
sexual assault. In D. Smythe, B. Pithey and L. Artz (eds),
Sexual Offences Commentary: Act 32 of 2007, pp. 3-1-
3-8. Claremont, Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-
Phelps, K. 2011. Superstition and religious beliefs: a
‚cultural‘ defence in South African Criminal Law? In T.W.
Bennett (ed.), Traditional Africans Religions in South
African Law, pp. 135-155. Lansdowne, Cape Town: UCT
Press. ISBN 978-1-91989-538-3.
Pillay, A. 2011. Section 66: National instructions anddirectives.
In D. Smythe, B. Pithey and L. Artz (eds), Sexual Offences
Commentary: Act 32 of 2007, pp.26-1-26-8. Claremont, Cape
Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-07021-8602-8.
Schwikkard, P.J. 2011. Arrested, detained and accused
persons. In H. Cheadle, D.M. Davis and N.R.L. Haysom
(eds), South African Constitutional Law: Bill of Rights. 2
edition. pp. 29-1-29-52. Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths.
ISBN 978-0-409-01829-5.
Schwikkard, P.J. 2011. Sections 58-60 and amendment
in terms of s (68)2: matters pertaining to evidence. In
D. Smythe, B. Pithey and L. Artz (eds), Sexual Offences
Commentary: Act 32 of 2007, pp. 23-1-23-15. Claremont,
Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-07021-8602-8.
Schwikkard, P.J. 2011. Some reflections on law reform
pertaining to arrested, detained and accused persons
in South Africa. In L. Oette (ed.), Criminal Law Reform
and Transitional Justice: Human Rights Perspectives
for Sudan, pp. 139-153. Surrey, England: Ashgate
Publishing. ISBN 978-1-409-431-00-8.
Schwikkard, P.J. 2011. State privilege in a democratic
South Africa. In M. Carnelley and S. Hoctor (eds), Law,
Order and Liberty, pp. 101-120. South Africa: University of
KwaZulu-Natal Press. ISBN 978-56914-214-8.
Shearing, C.D. and Marks, M. 2011. Criminology‘s Disney
World: the ethnographer‘s ride of South African criminal
justice. In M. Bosworth and C. Hoyle (eds), What is
Criminology? pp.125-142. USA: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 978-0-19-957182-6.