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UCT Research Report '11
Govender, I., Mangesana, N., Mainza, A.N. and Franzidis,
J.-P. 2011. Measurement of shear rates in a laboratory
tumbling mill. Minerals Engineering, 24: 225-229.
Govender, I., Tupper, G.B. and Mainza, A.N. 2011. Towards
a mechanistic model for slurry transport in tumbling mills.
Minerals Engineering, 24(3-4): 230-235.
Horowitz, W.A. 2011. Qualitative and quantitative energy
loss? Nuclear Physics A, 855: 225-228.
Horowitz, W.A. and Gyulassy, M. 2011. Quenching and
tomography from the RHIC to the LHC. Journal of Physics
G-Nuclear and Particle Physics, 38: 124114. (4pp).
Horowitz, W.A. and Kovchegov, Y.V. 2011. Running coupling
corrections to high energy inclusive gluon production.
Nuclear Physics A, 849: 72-97.
Horowitz, W.A. and Kovchegov, Y.V. 2011. Running
coupling corrections to inclusive gluon productions.
Journal of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle Physics, 38:
124064-1 -124064-4.
Horowitz, W.A. and Gyulassy, M. 2011. The surprisingly
transparent sQGP at LHC. Nuclear Physics A, 872:
Jayasundara, C.T., Yang, R.Y., Guo, B.Y., Yu, A.B.,
Govender, I., Mainza, A.N., Van der Westhuizen, A.P. and
Rubenstein, J. 2011. CFD-DEM modelling of particle flow
in IsaMills--Comparison between simulations and PEPT
measurements. Minerals Engineering, 24(3-4): 181-187.
Jia, J., Horowitz, W.A. and Liao, J. 2011. Correlations
between jet-quenching observables at energies available
at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Physical Review
C, 84: 034904. (8pp).
Kallon, D., Govender, I. and Mainza, A.N. 2011. Circulation
rate modelling of mill charge using position emission
particle tracking. Minerals Engineering, 24(3-4): 282-289.
Neveling, R., Fujita, H., Smit, F.D., Adachi, T., Berg, G.P.A.,
Buthelezi, E.Z., Carter, J., Conradie, J.L., Couder, M.,
Fearick, R.W., Fortsch, S., Fourie, D.T., Fujita, Y., Gorres, J.,
Hatanaka, K., Jingo, M., Krumbholz, A.M., Kureba, C.O.,
Mira, J.P., Murray, S., von Neumann-Cosel, P., O’Brien,
S., Papka, P., Poltoratska, I., Richter, A., Sideras-Haddad,
E., Swartz, J.A., Tamii, A., Usman, I. and van Zyl, J.J.
2011. High energy-resolution zero-degree facility for light-
ion scattering and reactions at iThemba LABS. Nuclear
Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section
A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated
Equipment, 654: 29-39.
Nsengiyumva, S., Riviere, J.P., Raji, A.T., Comrie, C.M.,
Britton, D.T. and Harting, M. 2011. Oxygen depth profiling
in Kr+-implanted polycrystalline alpha titanium by means
of 16O)16O resonance scattering. Journal of Nuclear
Materials, 414: 150-155.
Raji, A.T., Mazzarello, R., Scandolo, S., Harting, M. and
Britton, D.T. 2011. Defects in ion-implanted hcp-titanium:
A first-principles study of electronic structures. Solid State
Communications, 151: 1889-1893.
Raji, A.T., Mazzarello, R., Scandolo, S., Nsengiyumva, S.,
Harting, M. and Britton, D.T. 2011. Intrinsic defects and
krypton impurity atoms in hcp titanium: A first-principles
study. Physical Review B, 83: 054120. (10pp).
Richter, A., Aamodt, K., Alt, T., Appelshauser, H.,
Arend, A., Becker, B., Bottger, S., Breitner, T., Busching,
H., Cleymans, J.W.A. and Fearick, R.W. 2011. Event
reconstruction performance of the ALICE high level trigger
for p+p collisions. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,
58(4): 1706-1712.
Robertson, D., Polf, J.C., Peterson, S., Gillin, M.T. and
Beddar, S. 2011. Material efficiency studies for a Compton
camera designed to measure characteristic prompt
gamma rays emitted during protein beam radiotherapy.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56: 3047-3059.
Scriba, M.R., Britton, D.T. and Harting, M. 2011. Electrically
active, doped monocrystalline silicon nanoparticles
produced by hot wire thermal catalytic pyrolysis. Thin Solid
Films, 519: 4491-4494.
Sichalwe, K., Govender, I. and Mainza, A.N. 2011.
Characterising porosity of multi-component mixtures in
rotary mills. Minerals Engineering, 24(3-4): 276-281.
Smeets, D., Johnson, B.C., McCallum, J.C. and Comrie,
C.M. 2011. Real-time in situ study of hydrogen diffusion
in amorphous SI formed by ion implantation. Nuclear
Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section
B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269(22):
Stranex, T. and Wheaton, S. 2011. A new corrective
scheme for SPH. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering, 200: 392-402.
Usman, I., Buthelezi, E.Z., Carter, J., Cooper, G.R.J.,
Fearick, R.W., Fortsch, S., Fujita, H., Fujita, Y., Kalmykov, Y.,
von Neumann-Cosel, P., Neveling, R., Papaconstantinou,
P., Richter, A., Roth, R., Shevchenko, A., Sideras-Haddad,
E. and Smit, F.D. 2011. Fine structure of the isoscalar giant
quadrupole resonance in 40Ca due to Landau damping?
Physics Letters B, 698(3): 191-195.
Usman, I., Buthelezi, E.Z., Carter, J., Cooper, G.R.J.,
Fearick, R.W., Fortsch, S., Fujita, H., Kalmykov, Y., von
Neumann-Cosel, P., Neveling, R., Poltoratska, I., Richter,