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faculty of SCIENCE
Hofmeyr, G.J.G., du Toit, M. and Kirkman, S.P. 2011. Early
post-release survival of stranded Cape fur seal pups at
Black Rocks, Algoa Bay, South Africa. African Journal of
Marine Science, 33(3): 463-468.
Hollén, L.I., Bell, M.B.V., Russell, A., Niven, F., Ridley, M.
and Radford, A.N. 2011. Calling by concluding sentinels:
coordinating cooperation or revealing risk? PLoS One,
6(10): e25010. (6pp).
Hollén, L.I., Bell, M.B.V., Wade, H.M., Rose, R., Russell, A.,
Niven, F., Ridley, M. and Radford, A.N. 2011. Ecological
conditions influence sentinel decisions. Animal Behaviour,
82: 1435-1441.
Houser, A.M., Gusset, G.M., Bragg, C., Boast, L.K. and
Somers, M.J. 2011. Pre-release hunting training and post-
release monitoring are key components in the rehabilitation
of orphaned large felids. South African Journal of Wildlife
Research, 41(1): 11-20.
Huisamen, J., Kirkman, S.P., Watson, L., Cockcroft, V.G.
and Pistorius, P.A. 2011. Recolonisation of the Robberg
Peninsula (Plettenberg Bay, South Africa) by Cape fur
seals. African Journal of Marine Science, 33(3): 453-461.
Impson, F.A.C., Kleinjan, C.A., Hoffmann, J.H., Post, J.A.
and Wood, A.R. 2011. Biological control of Australian
Acacia species and
Paraserianthes lophantha
Nielsen (Mimosaceae) in South Africa. African Entomology,
19(2): 186-207.
Jacobs, D.S. and Odendaal, L. 2011. Morphological
correlates of echolocation frequency in the endemic
Cape horseshoe bat,
Rhinolophus capensis
Rhinolophidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology
A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral
Physiology, 197(5): 435-446.
Jenkins, A.R., Shaw, J.M., Smallie, J.J., Gibbons, B.,
Visagie, R. and Ryan, P.G. 2011. Estimating the impacts of
power line collisions on Ludwig’s Bustards
Neotis ludwigii
Bird Conservation International, 21: 303-310.
Jewell, O.J.D., Wcisel, M.A., Gennari, E., Towner, A.,
Bester, M., Johnson, R. and Singh, S. 2011. Effects of
smart position only (SPOT) tag deployment on white
sharks carcharodon carcharias in South Africa. PLoS One,
6(11)(e27242): 1-4.
Joseph, G., Cumming, G.S., Cumming, D., Mahlangu, Z.,
Altwegg, R. and Seymour, C.L. 2011. Large termitaria act
as refugia for tall trees, deadwood and cavity-using birds
in a miombo woodland. Landscape Ecology, 26: 439-448.
Joubert, W., Thomalla, S., Waldron, H.N., Lucas, M.I.,
Boye, M., Le Moigne, F., Planchon, F. and Speich, S.
2011. Nitrogen uptake by phytoplankton in the Atlantic
sector of the Southern Ocean during late austral summer.
Biogeosciences, 8: 2947-2959.
Kaplan, B.S., O’Riain, M.J., Van Eeden, R. and King, A.J.
2011. A low-cost manipulation of food resources reduces
spatial overlap between baboons (
Papio ursinus
) and
humans in conflict. International Journal of Primatology,
32(6): 1397-1412.
Karnovsky, N.J., Brown, Z., Welcker, J., Harding, A.M.A.,
Walkusz, W., Cavalcanti, A., Hardin, J., Kitaysky, A.,
Gabrielsen, G. and Gremillet, D. 2011. Inter-colony
comparison of diving behavior of an Arctic to predator:
implications for warming in the Greenland Sea. Marine
Ecology-Progress Series, 440: 229-240.
Kirkman, S.P., Oosthuizen, W.H., Meyer, M.A., Seakamela,
S.M. and Underhill, L.G. 2011. Prioritising range-wide
scientific monitoring of the Cape fur seal in southern
Africa. African Journal of Marine Science, 33(3): 495-509.
Kohler, S., Connan, M., Hill, J.M., Mablouk, C., Ludynia,
K., Bonnevie, B.T., Kemper, J., Huisamen, J., Underhill,
L.G., Cherel, Y., McQuaid, C. and Jaquemet, S. 2011.
Geographic variation in the trophic ecology of an avian
rocky shore predator, the African black oystercatcher,
along the southern African coastline. Marine Ecology-
Progress Series, 435: 235-249.
Lescroel, A. and Grémillet, D. 2011. Fishery threatens
protected ocean. Nature, 479: 299.
Lipshutz, S., Remisiewicz, M., Underhill, L.G. and AVNI, J.
2011. Seasonal fluctuations in population size and habitat
segregation of Kittlitzs Plover
Charadrius pecuarius
Barberspan Bird Sanctuary,North West province, South
Africa. Ostrich, 82(3): 207-215.
Lucas, M.I. and Rouault, M. 2011. Scorched, frozen or
flooded! What’s happening to the weather? Quest, 7(1): 38-40.
Macgregor, L., Cumming, G.S. and Hockey, P.A.R. 2011.
Understanding pathogen transmission dynamics in
waterbird communities: at what scale should interactions be
studied? South African Journal of Science, 107(9/10): 1-10.
Mandiwana-Neudani, T., Kopuchian, C., Louw, G.J.
and Crowe, T. 2011. A study of gross morphological
and histological syringeal features of true francolins
spp.) and spurfowls (
spp.) in a
phylogenetic context. Ostrich, 82(2): 115-127.
Marchante, H., Freitas, H. and Hoffmann, J.H. 2011.
Assessing the suitability and safety of a well-known
bud-galling wasp, T
richilogaster acaciaelongifoliae
, for
biological control of
Acacia longifolia
in Portugal. Biological
Control, 56: 193-201.