Page 109 - UCT Research Report 2011

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1990s on user fees, for example, led to the removal of
such fees at primary healthcare facilities.
It is ongoing research that is likely to shape the South
African health system for decades to come. One of
Professor McIntyre’s most recent projects, with the GNHE,
is likely to influence the very structure of the country’s future
health system. It is looking at how best and most equitably
to finance the system and investigates which kinds of
financing systems the country should be pursuing. “We
want to look at our research findings from Africa, Asia, and
Latin America and ask, what does this tell us about how
we should be funding health systems? Are there very clear
messages that are coming through from this?”
These are the kinds of questions anyone dealing with
policy should ask themselves. Some of them are coming
up with very good answers.
The Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) – an initiative of the DPRU is seeking to promote employment creation by
specifically addressing the constraints to job creation in South Africa.