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FACULTY OF health scienceS
Chapters in books
De Jongh, J.J., Firfirey, F.F., hess-april, L.A., Ramugondo,
E., smit, N.S. and Van Niekerk, L. 2011. Nature of political
reasoning as a foundation for engagement. In F. Kronenberg,
N. Pollard and D. Sakellariou (eds), Occupational Therapies
Without borders: Towards an Ecology of Occupation-
Based Practices, pp. 313-319. 2
edition. China: Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier. ISBN 9780702031038.
Duncan, E.M., Watson, R.W. and Sherry, K. 2011. Disability
and rurality. In T. Lorenzo (ed.), Intentions, Pillars and
Players, pp. 29-36. University of Cape Town: Disability
Innovations Africa. ISBN 978-0-9870203-0-7.
Galvaan, R. 2011. Domestic workers’ narratives:
transforming occupational therapy practice. In
F. Kronenberg, N. Pollard and D. Sakellariou (eds),
Occupational Therapies Without borders: Towards an
Ecology of Occupation-Based Practices, pp. 349-355.
edition. China: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. ISBN
Kathard, H. and Ka Toni, M. 2011. We haven’t arrived: no
time for complacency!In T. Lorenzo (ed.), Intentions, Pillars
and Players, pp. 23-28. University of Cape Town: Disability
Innovations Africa. ISBN 978-0-9870203-0-7.
Kronenberg, F., Pollard, N. and Ramugondo, E. 2011.
Introduction: courage to dance politics. In F. Kronenberg,
N. Pollard and D. Sakellariou (eds), Occupational Therapies
Without borders: Towards an Ecology of Occupation-
Based Practices, pp. 1-16. 2
edition. China: Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier. ISBN 9780702031038.
Kronenberg, F. and Ramugondo, E. 2011. Ubuntourism:
engaging divided people in post-apartheid South Africa.
In F. Kronenberg, N. Pollard and D. Sakellariou (eds),
Occupational Therapies Without borders: Towards an
Ecology of Occupation-Based Practices, pp. 195-207.
edition. China: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. ISBN
Lorenzo, T. 2011. Introduction. In T. Lorenzo (ed.), Intentions,
Pillars and Players, pp. 1-4. University of Cape Town:
Disability Innovations Africa. ISBN 978-0-9870203-0-7.
McKenzie, J. 2011. Disability activism and participation. In
T. Lorenzo (ed.), Intentions, Pillars and Players, pp. 13-21.
University of Cape Town: Disability Innovations Africa.
ISBN 978-0-9870203-0-7.
Pillay, M. 2011. (Re) habilitation and (re) positioning the
powerful expert and the sick person. In F. Kronenberg, N.
Pollard and D. Sakellariou (eds), Occupational Therapies
Without borders: Towards an Ecology of Occupation-
Based Practices, pp. 123-132. 2
edition. China: Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier. ISBN 9780702031038.
Ramugondo, E. and Barry, A.B. 2011. Enabling play in
the context of rapid social change. In F. Kronenberg, N.
Pollard and D. Sakellariou (eds), Occupational Therapies
Without borders: Towards an Ecology of Occupation-
Based Practices, pp. 179-184. 2
edition. China: Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier. ISBN 9780702031038.
Rule, S.R. 2011. Disability inclusion: a possible mission? In
T. Lorenzo (ed.), Intentions, Pillars and Players, pp. 8-12.
University of Cape Town: Disability Innovations Africa.
ISBN 978-0-9870203-0-7.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Adefuye, A.A., Abiona, T.A., Balogun, J.B., Amosun, S.L.,
Frantz, J. and Yakut, Y.Y. 2011. Perceptions of HIV and
sexual risk behaviours among students in the United
States, Turkey and South Africa. Sahara J-Journal of Social
Aspects of HIV-AIDS, 8(1): 19-26.
Balogun, J.B., Abiona, T.A., Lukobo-Durrell, M., Adefuye,
A.A., Amosun, S.L., Frantz, J. and Yakut, Y.Y. 2011.
Readability and test-retest reliability of a psychometric
instrument designed to assess HIV/AIDS attitudes,
beliefs, behaviours and sources of HIV prevention
information of young adults. Health Education Journal,
70(2): 141-159.
Burgess, T. 2011. Ethical issues in return-to-sport decisions.
South African Journal of Sport Medicine, 23(4): 138-139.
Duma, S.E. 2011. Legitimate agents of knowledge, who
are they? (Editorial). Curationis, 33(3): 3-4.
Duncan, E.M., Swartz, L. and Kathard, H. 2011. The burden
of psychiatric disability on chronically poor households:
Part 1 (costs). South African Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 41(3): 55-63.
Duncan, E.M., Swartz, L. and Kathard, H. 2011. The burden
of psychiatric disability on chronically poort households:
Part 2 (coping). South African Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 41(3): 64-70.
Frantz, J., Diener, I.D. and Jelsma, J.M. 2011. Does the
South African Physiotherapy Journal fulfill the needs of its
constituency? A retrospective article review. South African
Journal of Physiotherapy, 67(3): 4-8.
Frantz, J. and Amosun, S.L. 2011. Identifying strategies
to improve research publicaiton output in health and
rehabilitation sciences: a review of literature. African
Journal of Health Professions Education, 3(1): 7-10.
Jelsma, J.M. and Scott, D.J. 2011. Impact of using
the ICF framework as an assessment tool for students
in paediatric physiotherapy: a preliminary study.
Physiotherapy, 97: 47-54.