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Centre for Infectious Disease
Epidemiology and Research
The Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and
Research (CIDER) aims to be an African centre
of excellence in infectious disease epidemiology
and related research. The centre has a strong base
that spans a number of disciplines and conducts
public health research integrating laboratory, clinical,
epidemiological, social science, and health systems
research into infectious diseases that have high priority
in Southern Africa (in particular, HIV and tuberculosis)
in order to improve the prevention and management of
these diseases.
The centre maintains strong links with health services
at all levels in order to identify research priorities,
and assists policy makers, programme managers, and
services managers with the implementation of the
results of research. The centre aims to be a centre
of excellence in the surveillance and monitoring of
infectious diseases and infectious disease programmes
and services, and in the conduct of robust observational
research, based on routine data sources. CIDER provides
extensive postgraduate level teaching and supervision in
Director: Associate Professor A. Boulle
MRC/NHLS/UCT Molecular
Mycobacteriology Research Unit
The Molecular Mycobacteriology Research Unit (MMRU)
was established in 2000 as an extramural research unit of
the MRC, hosted jointly by the National Health Laboratory
Service and the University of the Witwatersrand. In
2011, the MMRU was transferred to the University of
Cape Town, where it is now based in the Institute of
Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine. The mission
of the MMRU is to carry out fundamental research on
aspects of the physiology and metabolism of relevance
to tuberculosis drug resistance and drug discovery. By
adopting a research strategy that is based on investigating
specific aspects of the metabolism and physiology of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the MMRU has positioned
itself at the front-end of TB drug discovery research.
Director: Professor V. Mizrahi
burden of disease
Centre for Occupational and
Environmental Health Research
The Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health
Research (COEHR) aims to be a principal centre
of occupational and environmental health research,
teaching and training, and a source of supportive
outreach activities in South Africa, parts of Africa, and
internationally. It conducts multi-disciplinary research,
teaching, and service provision that integrates laboratory,
clinical, epidemiological, and policy skills in relation to
occupational health problems that have high priority in
Southern Africa. This in order to facilitate identification
and improved characterisation of these and other
problems, and to better understand the determinants
of these problems and their solutions. It explores and
develops means of maintaining the health of individuals
and the environment, especially the work environment,
and of preventing the development of health problems
in those exposed to injurious environments at work or
more generally. Public policy research is conducted into
issues ranging from toxic or injurious exposures through
to health surveillance, and the functioning of relevant
health services. Inter-institutional research, teaching and
service (including outreach) collaboration and capacity
development are priorities of the centre, along with
fostering local and global networks for occupational and
environmental health promotion through collaboration
with the United Nations and other agencies, notably the
World Health Organisation (WHO). The centre is currently
a WHO Collaborating Centre for Occupational Health.
Director: Professor J. Myers
Desmond Tutu HIV Centre
The activities of the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre (DTHC) are
underpinned by research and evaluation. It aims to impact
on policy and practice, both nationally and internationally,
through relevant research, peer-reviewed publications, and
feedback to government, civil society, and the community
at large. DTHC is driven by a passion for humanity and
a vision of South Africa without AIDS. Over the years, it
has become a source of advice for medical practitioners,
support for people seeking testing or treatment, and
leadership in preventative education. With an experienced
and dedicated team of more than 165 doctors, nurses,
researchers, and community-trained field workers, the
centre offers a holistic approach to the HIV epidemic.
Director: Professor R. Wood